Feedback from the successful Partners& Employment Webinars

Partners& is a multi-award-winning risk consultancy and insurance intermediary, and we are committed to providing employers with useful and engaging insights on the latest news and challenges in the world of employment.

With this in mind, we launched our “fun and informative” Partners& Employment Webinars in the autumn of 2022, which are designed to deliver all the above detail in an engaging and entertaining way.

But don’t take our word for it!  We are pleased to share just a little of the exceptional feedback from the hundreds of loyal delegates who have attended our events over the last year:

“My first webinar with Partners& and it was absolutely brilliant.”

“Informative but not too formal”

“Great session – thanks so much.  Can’t wait for the next one.”

“I learnt so much and appreciated the approach and the tone, and pace of the session was fantastic.”

“It was so inspirational, and a lot of thought went into this webinar”

“All sessions were riveting and engaging.”

“Carefully considered and professionally delivered”

“Great webinar.  Interesting and entertaining.  Thank you and well done!!”

“Valuable webinar, with speakers who clearly bring a wealth of experience.”

“Fantastic webinar. Always really good value for time.”

“I thought the webinar was really excellent, very well prepared, a good pace and in-depth with good analysis.”

 “Fabulous session as ever”

“Always worth taking a few hours out of the day to attend this session.”

“Really enjoyed the interactive approach – thank you!”

“Hugely informative webinar (my first one).”

“Well organised, informative and a good use of time”

“An amazing snappy session with some great materials and studies.”

“Wonderful event”

“This was the most engaging and interesting webinar I’ve ever attended.”

Attendance is free to delegates in human resources, payroll and finance roles, and of course, business owners and C-suite professionals involved in day-to-day employment issues, too.

To be added to our invite list for future events, please register here.

Finally, should you have any thoughts for future topics and/or speakers, then please contact Steve Herbert directly.

We look forward to welcoming you to our next “fun and informative” event!

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