In the news: February 2023

A short summary of some of the coverage featuring the Partners& team in the wellbeing, benefits, pensions, protection, and Human Resources media during February 2023…

The Partners& team are now firmly established as a regular – and insightful – provider of expert commentary across a range of specialist media titles.

Below is a summary of just some of the key themes we have commented on in the month of February 2023 (with links embedded for those wishing to read the full article).

Pay rising according to CIPD

The latest labour market expectations from the CIPD suggest that pay awards may be in the region of 5% in 2023.  This article explores the research and includes commentary from Partners& on the economic outlook and real-term pay decreases.

Publication:  Personnel Today

Mental health:  Managers not confident in supporting staff

Recent research suggests that two in every five employers see mental health as a priority, but the monetary constraints of a pandemic, Brexit, and the inflation crisis make funding mental health support challenging.  This article from the CIPD’s People Management magazine looks at the findings together with commentary from Steve Herbert of Partners&.

Publication:  People Management

Working from home:  ONS data

The latest data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) suggests that working from home is more readily available to employees who are in certain age groups, occupation types, and income levels.  This data is examined by HR Magazine and includes informed commentary from Partners&.

Publication:  HR Magazine

The sun will come out tomorrow

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has predicted that the UK will underperform both the G7 nations and the Russian economy in 2023.  Yet forecasts – both good and bad – are often wrong. Steve Herbert considers this issue in his regular column for Employer News.

Publication:  Employer News

£26bn of unpaid overtime in 2022

The Trades Union Congress (TUC) has suggested that UK workers undertook unpaid overtime valued at around £26bn last year.  So is this a new trend, and will that number go up in 2023?  Partners& add thoughts and context to this interesting subject.

Publication:  HR Magazine

Where are the jobs in finance?

Several financial institutions have announced employee job losses in recent months.  Industry experts – including our own Steve Herbert – were invited to give their thoughts as to the key skills required to secure a new job in the sector.

Publication:  LinkedIn

That’s it for this month, but we will (of course) continue to update our followers with our latest posts, comments, research, and thoughts regularly.

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