The farming and agricultural industry is vital to the UK Economy. It provides employment for around half a million people and produces half of the food we eat.
We understand the unique characteristics of farming and agricultural insurance cover and have significant experience working with a wide range of clients in the sector, from family crofts in the Highlands to dairy units in Cornwall with all types of farms and supporting businesses in between.
Who we support
Agricultural contractors
Agricultural engineers
Country estates
Crofts and smallholdings
Farms of all types and sizes
Sporting estates
Our clients are telling us
Flood risk insurance – managing increasing premiumsUnderinsurance and a flood risk solution to reduce costs
We're specialists in farming insurance
Through our collective experience, we’ve observed many of the best and worst practices in the insurance advisory market. We’re here to challenge the status quo and aim to establish a new level of service. We’re combining the best traditions of technical advice and client centricity, with modern thinking and smart use of systems and technology to enhance the client experience and create a dynamic workplace for our team.
Challenges in your industry
As well as the traditional risks such as livestock and machinery theft, the farming and agricultural industry faces challenges from new and emerging threats such as environmental events and cyber-attacks. And, as farms diversify into new activities, there are wider liability risks to be taken into consideration.
How we support
Our farming insurance team understand your world – we’re not just city and town-based insurance advisers – we live in your rural communities. We’ll take the time to get to know your business and help you understand the specific risks your farming or agricultural business is exposed to. From here, we can help you implement a robust insurance and risk management strategy, tailored to your needs.
Your business performs
With the right insurance programme in place, you can concentrate on your day (and night) job with peace of mind that your business is protected against the unexpected. We work in partnership with our clients to provide continuous support – not just at renewal time. As your business evolves, or new risks emerge, we’re on hand to support and advise you on making sure your insurance keeps pace. And if things go wrong and you need to make a claim, we’ll stand shoulder to shoulder with you throughout the process.

What is farming insurance?
Whether you own or run a croft, smallholding, family farm or a larger farming enterprise, the fundamentals of farm insurance remain the same.
As a farmer, you want to protect your livelihood. Your livestock, your crops and your machinery are all vital to your daily life and the success of your business.
When things go wrong, the impact is often immediate and significant. The theft of machinery, equipment or livestock is an ever-present and increasing risk. Climate change is bringing more flood events which can result in disaster for the farming industry and then there’s the knock-on effect of environmental risk resulting from pollution. And with more and more farms becoming reliant on technology, cyber attacks are now an ever-present danger.
Farming insurance is designed specifically for the farming and agricultural sector and can provide the cover you need to protect the activities your farming business is involved in.
Usual types of cover for the farming and agricultural industry
Including cover for the family home, farm buildings, let properties, machinery, deadstock, walls and fences
Vehicles and machinery
Including all types of agricultural vehicles, private cars, pick-ups, HGVs, trailers and implements
Livestock cover
Including cover for theft, death from specified causes and diseases.
Public and Employers’ Liability
Employers Liability is a statutory requirement if you have anyone working for you or helping in a voluntary capacity and covers both your legal defence costs and legal liability to pay compensation to employees injured at work.
Public Liability covers both your legal defence costs and your legal liability to pay compensation to third parties for bodily injury or damage to their property.
Business interruption
Protecting revenue in the aftermath of loss or damage whilst you get back on your feet
Goods and livestock in transit
Including cover to transport your valuable livestock, grain and end produce.
Cyber cover
Protecting your vital business data and systems in the event of a cyber attack.
Management Liability Protection (MLP)
Directors, company officers and senior managers can be held personally liable for the actions and decisions they make on behalf of the company. Also known as Directors’ and Officers’ Liability or D&O, MLP can provide cover for legal advice and cover defence costs and protection for disputes with regulators such as HMRC investigations.
Personal Accident & Sickness
Providing financial protection in the event of key personnel suffering from an accident or illness that prevents them from working.
Additional cover options can be tailored to suit your business needs, including environmental cover, “all risks” cover for portable items such as mobile telephones and GPS equipment, and commercial legal expenses.

Who do we support in the farming industry
- Agricultural contractors
- Agricultural engineers
- Crofts and smallholdings
- Livestock and arable farms
- Shooting and fishing estates
Why choose partners& for your farming insurance policy
Whatever the nature of your farming or agricultural business, understanding the risks you face is key and getting specialist insurance advice is vital to protect your livelihood.
Our approach is based on partnership and we’re here to help your business succeed. We work with you, get to know your business – inside and out – and help you mitigate the risks you face.
Located across the UK, our farming and agricultural insurance team have a wealth of experience in this sector. We speak your language and understand the farming way of life.