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2023 The year of continued financial challenges

Increasing interest rates, inflationary pressures and volatile investment markets has resulted in greater financial scrutiny for both businesses and individuals, and together creates further challenges for employers who must balance corporate objectives and employee wellbeing.

One of the largest costs to a business is their workplace pension scheme. Therefore, it is no surprise that we have seen an increase in employers looking to review their current scheme to ensure they are getting the best possible deal for their business and employees. During our complimentary scheme reviews, we assess any areas for improvement across charges, salary exchange, enhanced online services, and tools to help employees engage with their pension, as well as looking at other potentially suitable scheme providers.

Another popular area we have been supporting employers with recently is sustainable pension funds, either to fit with the company’s sustainability beliefs and targets, or due to demand from environmentally conscious employees. We have been able to assist with a whole of market review to identify specialist providers that offer suitable sustainable investment solutions for workplace pension schemes.

Outside of workplace pension advice, we have also experienced a higher demand in employers looking to support their employees’ financial wellbeing. By offering them the tools to manage their finances more effectively and help reduce potential stress or anxiety, this can, in turn, also help with business productivity.

Employers have also offered more pension and financial wellbeing clinics to further support their employees. The opportunity for a confidential meeting where they can receive guidance on their pension provision and/or personal finances is always incredibly well received by employees and makes them feel supported and valued by their employer – a great asset to set employers apart to help with retaining quality staff.

If you would like to speak to one of our corporate specialists, or any of our Independent Financial Advisers, please do not hesitate to get in touch on 0117 450 1300.

Integrity 365 is part of the Partners& ecosystem. For further information, please contact Craig Pritchard, Senior Corporate IFA Consultant, craig.pritchard@integrity365.co.uk m:07552 830120 t: 0117 450 1300