Are your insurance policy limits fit for purpose?
Our aim as a risk protection adviser is to anticipate the challenges our clients face, so that we can provide the best support to enable your insurance programme to perform when you need it.
8 simple steps to help keep your small business cyber safe
Headlines that talk about cyber-attacks on global names can give the impression that cyber criminals only target large organisations.
5 reasons why your business should consider Intellectual Property insurance
IP insurance is key to supporting your business when defending itself against claims of IP infringement and can help you pursue those who are infringing on your patent, copyright or trademark.
The UK dental crisis and the impact on employee wellbeing
Being able to access dentist services is becoming increasingly difficult across the UK. Half of all dentists have cut back on their NHS work leading to 1 in 4 of the adult population unable to access dental services1.
Cyber threats: top tips for every business
Almost a third of UK firms report at least one cyber attack in the past 12 months
NHS waiting lists and their potential impact on your business
NHS waiting times could impact employee absence and therefore also employer productivity
Beyond the stamp
As your collections become more important, so does your insurance.
Where do you see your business in 5 years?
For some, an exit from your business might be imminent and whilst for others it may feel a million miles away with a focus on growth and scale.
Trivial spending calculator
A simple calculator to help you curb your small spending habits
Cybercrime is on the rise with inflation
I hate to tell you this, but hackers pay bills too.
How your insurance and business continuity plan should work together
This is where business interruption insurance and business continuity planning start working together and where the sum of the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.
Cyber risks and the responsibilities of directors and officers
In 2020, approximately 9 million Easy Jet customers had their personal data unlawfully accessed by third parties in a sophisticated cyber-attack. Consequently, law firm PGMBM issued a claim in the London High Court seeking damages of up to £18 billion on behalf of impacted customers.