In the news: October 2023

A short summary of some of the coverage featuring the Partners& team in the wellbeing, benefits, pensions, protection, and Human Resources media during October 2023…

The Partners& team are now firmly established as a regular – and insightful – provider of expert commentary across a range of specialist media titles.

Below is a summary of just some of the key themes we have commented on in the month of October 2023 (with links embedded for those wishing to read the full article).

Presenteeism:  Not always a problem

Presenteeism is routinely portrayed as a bad thing for employers and employees alike, yet recent research suggests that this may not always be the case.  Steve Herbert adds context and comments to this news story for the CIPD’s People Management Magazine. 

Publication:  People Management Magazine

Partners& Research:  Artificial Intelligence (AI) v Human Resources (HR)

Research undertaken by Partners& has found that HR professionals are relatively sanguine around the arrival of AI, with few expecting significant changes to the numbers of HR professionals or line managers as a result of new technology.

Publication:  Business In the News

Pay Reviews:  The key economic factors

Many employers are formulating their pay review strategy for 2024, and this article by Steve Herbert for his monthly “Employer News” column identifies the key economic drivers that employers may want to include in their calculations including employment data, inflation, interest rates, housing costs, and utility bills.

Publication:  Employer News

Employer support for parents with a seriously ill child?

A petition to require employers to offer career breaks for parents with a seriously ill child has recently begun, yet many good employers will already do what they can to support workers regardless of any legal compulsion.  Partners& consider some of the moral and practical difficulties associated with this issue.

Publication:  HR Magazine

Real Living Wage and National Living Wage increases

The voluntary Real Living Wage has just increased by 10%, but what of the 2024 increases to the compulsory National Living Wage, and what might an increase there do for pay differentials?  Steve Herbert looks at the options ahead of the final announcement in the Chancellor’s Autumn statement.

Publications:  LinkedIn

Just 7% think Artificial Intelligence (AI) will harm employee benefits

A survey of employers representing almost 200,000 workers by Partners& has identified that only a small minority of workers expect AI to harm employee benefits provision.  This topical story is covered in full by Benefits Expert Magazine.

Publication:  Benefits Expert

That’s it for this month, but we will (of course) continue to regularly update our followers with our latest posts, comments, research, and thoughts.

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