Why not join us for another “fun and informative” Partners& Employment Webinar on the 19 September 2023?
Our regular and popular Employment Law speaker Matt Jenkin will be speaking on important and diverse employment topics including worker status, protected beliefs, non-compete injunctions, and other recent developments. We also are delighted to host topic expert Keira Wallis, Head of Clinical Operations at Healix, who will be looking at the challenges and benefits of neurodiversity in the workplace. This session will include insights and practical approaches to supporting a neurodiverse workforce.
Whilst our own Steve Herbert will take his (un)usual look at workplace Wellbeing and Employee Benefits issues including Artificial Intelligence (and the future of work), new employee engagement data, the increased risks of employee absence, and (of course) the economic outlook for employers.
Fun, informative, and free to attend. What‘s not to like?
Date: Tuesday 19 September 2023
Timings: 09:55 – 12:00
Suitable for: Senior Human Resources, Payroll, Finance, Business Owners, & C-suite professionals
Topics: Employment Law, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Employee Wellbeing, non-compete injunctions, UK economic outlook, case law, Employee Benefits, protected beliefs, employee engagement & productivity, NHS waiting lists (and the impact on employment).
CPD: Attendance at this event will qualify for 2 hours CPD
Cost: FREE!
Link to register: partnersand.zoom.us/webinar/register