8 simple steps to help keep your small business cyber safe
Headlines that talk about cyber-attacks on global names can give the impression that cyber criminals only target large organisations.
Cyber threats: top tips for every business
Almost a third of UK firms report at least one cyber attack in the past 12 months
Cybercrime is on the rise with inflation
I hate to tell you this, but hackers pay bills too.
Cyber risks and the responsibilities of directors and officers
In 2020, approximately 9 million Easy Jet customers had their personal data unlawfully accessed by third parties in a sophisticated cyber-attack. Consequently, law firm PGMBM issued a claim in the London High Court seeking damages of up to £18 billion on behalf of impacted customers.
Building resilience against cyber-attacks
The term cybercrime has been banded around for years’, almost to the point where people just don’t pay attention to it anymore. It’s just something that happens to other people or big companies, but the fact of the matter is, the cyber criminal world has, and continues to develop in an incredibly sophisticated way. In the UK alone, in 2020 businesses were experiencing hacking attempts every 46 seconds!
Personal Cyber Risk
Traditionally, cyber insurance has only really been thought of in relation to businesses but with our use of technology shaping the way we shop, access our bank accounts and protect and interact with our cars and houses, it makes sense to think about cyber cover for your home and way of life.
Cyber Risk Video
Cyber is one of the most talked about topics in business and the media. But it is also one of the most misunderstood. Surrounded by jargon and buzz words, many people are switching off to the risks of cybercrime.
Are we being outsmarted by smart devices?
One would be hard pushed to find a home in the UK without a few smart devices inside.
Vulnerable not valuable – understanding the real risk of a cyber attack
It’s easy to become confused about cyber insurance – how it works, why it’s needed and what the real threat to your business is.
Could your business benefit from Vitamin P?
Have you considered boosting your business’ immunity and enhancing its resilience with some Vitamin P – the Partners& Risk Healthcheck?
Partners& leads the way in Cyber Security
In response to the exponential increase in cyber attacks, Partners& has launched a comprehensive cyber risk management offering
The power of the password
Don’t fall into the trap of thinking cyber risks only impact large corporations, any one of us can become victims of cyber-crime.
What’s new in the world of Cyber Insurance?
Specialist cyber insurance adviser Matthew Clark takes a look at the new features of CFC’s cyber incident response app
Busting the myths about cyber hacks: “It won’t happen to me”
Drug firms and research groups being targeted by state sponsored hackers highlights the very real cyber threats to which we’re all exposed
Myth busting Cyber Insurance: why your business may already be at risk
Most responsible businesses are aware that a cyber attack is a “when” not an “if”